While time in the classroom provides endless learning opportunities, incorporating travel into education plans gives students a new, unforgettable perspective of course material. Whether you are a school administrator or teacher looking for Christian education travel options, incorporating travel into your student’s curriculum is easy with the right travel partner

5 Ways Travel Enhances Christian Education 

Teaching students biblical principles and how they apply to diverse subjects takes time. When students travel, they encounter things that impact the way they see the world. Giving students the chance to question and interact with the world takes a new approach to explaining biblical teachings. Collaborating with travel professionals benefits Christian education through the following experiences: 

Exploring God’s Creation 

Traveling domestically or abroad provides new experiences for students, regardless of their grade level. Showcasing the world God created allows students to grow as individuals socially, emotionally, academically, and spiritually. 

Encouraging Healthy Independence 

As students travel, they experience more than new places. They have the opportunity to meet individuals from all walks of life and different beliefs. Providing a safe place for the students to ask questions allows them to cement their worldview through memorable, real-life moments. 

Customized Trips for Your School Group

Depending on your school’s curriculum, having a custom itinerary for your travel plans allows you to determine which locations best fit your needs. Working with travel advisers eases the stress of finding all required lodging, travel accommodations, and sites for students to visit while keeping costs to a minimum. 

Learning From Professionals 

Experienced tour guides lead every group domestically and abroad. Students learn from knowledgeable leaders who are there to support them both academically and spiritually. Rest assured that each tour guide undergoes extensive background checks.

Preparing for the Future 

Students that travel as a part of their education benefit from a global mindset. This type of experience assists them in developing goals for their future, whether they are academic or career-focused. Employers of all fields look for individuals with diverse experiences, and travel gives your students a head start in pursuing their potential career interests. 

Why Educators Trust Forge Christian Tour Co. 

With nearly 30 years of travel experience, Forge Christian Tour Co. continues to promote life-changing travel opportunities for students. Whether your group is 15 or 200 people, Forge Christian Tour Co. works to customize an itinerary that meets your expectations and academic goals. 


Students look forward to the best Christian education possible, which is why the advisory team goes above and beyond to provide your group with unforgettable experiences. 

Is It Too Early to Start Planning?

In most cases, advisors recommend you start planning for educational travel as early as possible. On average, you want to begin the planning process 1 to 2 years in advance of the desired travel dates. This increases your chances of getting a great price for the best accommodations. 

Take Advantage of Travel for Christian Education 

Forge Christian Tour Co. works with groups of all sizes to make your goals a reality. Help your students make the most of their Christian education by incorporating travel opportunities into your curriculum.


Take the first step of creating memories that last a lifetime for your students, and contact an advisor today.