An educational trip in NYC can be a life-changing experience for students. It’s a dazzling city filled with iconic landmarks, vibrant culture, and a rich history. For Christian educators and school groups, visiting the City That Never Sleeps is more than a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. It’s an opportunity to explore the heart of American culture through a lens of faith, sparking reflection of personal values and beliefs. 


Dreaming of taking your students or homeschooling group to the Big Apple? Here’s why it’s an excellent location for an educational tour and five locations you won’t want to miss. 

Why Visit NYC?

New York City can give students an experience unlike any other. However, for Christian educators, educational trips to NYC can also become a way to teach biblical principles in a real-world setting


Here are some of the reasons NYC is an ideal destination for a school trip: 

NYC Is a Melting Pot of Humanity

You’ll find hundreds of different cultures and religions existing side-by-side in the city. Students can experience more of the diversity of God’s creation, which can lead to discussions about Christian values and how to live them out in a multicultural society. 

It Holds Incredible Historical Significance

There is so much history to explore in the city. When students learn about that history through a historical lens, it can teach them about perseverance, faith in times of hardship, and the importance of resilience. 

There Are Many Engaging Educational Opportunities

Explore world-class museums and iconic landmarks that provide incredible educational material for students. You’ll find opportunities to connect lessons to scripture around every corner. 


By exploring New York City from a faith-based perspective, students gain a better understanding of the world while strengthening their faith. With the right tour operator, educators can focus on delivering a powerful experience without worrying about logistics. 

5 Must-See Locations

There is plenty to see and do in the Big Apple, but here are five must-see locations that will resonate with Christian educators and bring powerful learning opportunities to students. 

Ellis Island & the Statue of Liberty

Learn about Ellis Island’s role in immigration and how Lady Liberty welcomed hopeful hearts from around the world. They’ll explore historical documents and photographs to understand the stories of those who arrived at Ellis Island seeking a new life. Powerful themes of refuge, hospitality, and God’s unwavering guidance are excellent discussion topics here.

Times Square

Students will marvel at the lights and sounds of Times Square, taking in the incredible hustle and bustle all around them. The scene can also serve as a reminder that we are meant to be good stewards of the earth and get students to reflect on how to live out their values in a busy world. 

Carnegie Hall

Attend a concert or performance and explore how the arts have played an important role in worship for ages. This renowned venue is a great place to explore the power of artistic expression and God’s creativity. 

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Met offers a wealth of art depicting biblical stories and historical figures. Students can connect artwork with themes of faith, morality, and the human condition. They’ll also see the important role the Bible has played in the creation of some of the world’s most incredible art. 

National September 11th Memorial and Museum 

The 9/11 Memorial is a reminder of resilience, hope, and the importance of kindness in the face of tragedy. Students can learn about the significance of honoring those who went before us and reflect on the value of human life. 

Discover NYC With Forge Christian Tour Co.

New York City has a unique energy and powerful stories to share with visitors. It can ignite curiosity, inspire deep discussions, and strengthen students’ faith. Forge Christian Tour Co. is ready to guide you on this unforgettable journey. 


We’re passionate about creating educational tours that go beyond the basics and help students view the world through a biblical lens. We love sparking conversations about faith, hope, and Christian values in this ever-changing world. 

If you are ready to take your students on an educational tour of NYC, contact the Forge team. We’ll work with you to create a custom itinerary that aligns with your academic goals and spiritual beliefs.