Touring Boston should be so much more than visiting a collection of historical sites. It’s a journey through the birth of a nation built on the principles of liberty and justice. 


For Christian school students, educational tours of Boston become even more meaningful when they include the Freedom Trail because it offers many opportunities to connect historical events to biblical themes. Students gain a deeper understanding of the role of faith in the nation’s development and how Christian principles continue to influence the country today. 


If you want to make the most of your Boston tour, read this post to discover why the Freedom Trail should become a cornerstone of your itinerary. 

What Is the Freedom Trail?

The Freedom Trail is a 2.5-mile brick path that winds through the heart of Boston. It has 16 stops of historical significance, starting with Boston Commons and ending at Bunker Hill Monument. Along the way, students will learn about how courageous colonists sowed the seeds of revolution and fought for the freedom of their new nation. They’ll see iconic landmarks like the Old North Church and Faneuil Hall Marketplace. 


Beyond their historical significance, these sites offer a unique opportunity for students to connect history to their personal faith journeys. Let’s explore some must-see stops along the trail and how they can help educators spark meaningful discussions with students. 

5 Must-See Freedom Trail Sights

The Freedom Trail is a treasure trove of history. Many stops will resonate with your Christian school group, but here are five you won’t want to miss. 

The Old South Meeting House

This historic building was the meeting place for colonists during the events surrounding the Boston Tea Party. It’s a great place to explore the themes of courage and standing up for what’s right. Educators can discuss with students how the colonists’ principles aligned with Christian teachings on social justice and fighting for a just cause. 

The Old North Church 

This church is where the lantern signal was given during the American Revolution. It alerted the fledgling colonial army that enemies were coming “one if by land, two if by sea.” The site is a great place to explore how certain colonists relied on their faith to guide their actions in uncertain times. 

The Granary Burying Grounds

This is the final resting place for many famous figures of the American Revolution, including Samual Adams and John Hancock. It’s a powerful reminder of sacrifices made in the name of freedom. It can encourage reflection on the importance of standing up for your beliefs, even when it is difficult. 

Massachusetts State House

The seat of the Massachusetts government is a great place to discuss leadership and the importance of leading with Biblical principles. Students can consider their faith’s role in their future and how they can use their faith to be better citizens and leaders. 

Faneuil Hall 

Faneuil Hall is a historic marketplace that became the center of debate and discourse during the Revolutionary War. Students can explore the themes of free speech and civic engagement. They can also learn how Christians can participate in public discussion and advocate for their beliefs respectfully and persuasively. 

Let Forge Plan Your Educational Tours of Boston

The opportunity to travel is a wonderful gift to give your students. Allowing them to explore the very ground where pivotal moments in history happened can bring textbook lessons to life and deepen their connections to the past. As a Christian educator, you want them to view these events not only through a historical lens but also through a lens of faith


Forge Christian Tour Co. delivers experiences that go beyond sightseeing and dive deep into each location with a Biblical perspective. Let our team craft an educational tour of Boston to strengthen your students’ faith and create lasting memories. 

Contact our team today to start planning your trip.